Spiritual Guide, Energy Healer, Teacher, Author, Speaker
I offer healings and advanced activations for your healing, spiritual growth, and soul fulfillment.
These include: negative energy removal, emotional cord cutting, spirit activation, soul retrieval, ensofic reiki, different energetic infusions and much more.
I also offer deep energy clearing of homes and spaces.
On top of that, I offer workshops, online courses, and 1.1 spiritual coaching and guidance.
I am based in Porreres, Mallorca. Go to alineram.com to learn more.
Explore what Olivia Garau experienced in her Life Activation:
“I found Aline at a time when I was in a critical juncture in my life. The experience was gentle, but the result was so powerful. I experienced the actual physical sensation of a huge weight being lifted from inside me, a lifting of the oppressive energy that I had been carrying and which was preventing me from moving forward; this left me lighter than I’ve felt in years.
This transformational event has altered my life, shifting my perspective, changing my behaviors, and realigning me to my purpose, a sort of “chiropractic on the soul”. It has been an uplifting of my being and a full renewal of my soul. Aline’s energy shines bright; she is a healer to the core of her being.” Olivia Garau